Friday, February 21, 2014

Sixth Independant Reading Post:

Choice #12: Looking in the Mirror. Which character is most like you? Why? Remember to describe the character well because your audience may not have read the book or seen the film.

Book: Into Thin Air

Rob Hall, as explained in my previous BIRP post, is one of the most iconic characters, being characterized as someone who doesn't give up, and when he sets it in his mind to do something, he'll finish it whether it kills him or not. I find that Rob Hall is just like me because I am that type of person who has his dislikes and when it comes to accomplishing something that has to do with the dislikes, that thing will most likely be done with no passion or triumph. In the book Rob Hall feels that going back down to the summit the very next morning after 2 lives are found lost and one life is at stake is the right thing to do, and even with the com saying that he should stay at the top summit to await helicopter, he climbs down the treacherous dangerous summit to find oxygen for the dying Scott Fischer. Something that I have done in my life that relates somewhat to what Rob Hall did is taking the route of picking up golf as a sport. Playing tennis all my life I decided that I would want to try and take it into my college career, but after playing tennis for 10+ years (likewise doing anything for that long a time) it got really boring and I decided that I would want to play a sport that would be less taxing on my body, like golf. Instantly my tennis coach stepped in and said that I definitely shouldn't do golf with the risk of it messing with my tennis, stuck in a dilemma I decided to go through with it anyways and play both of the sports, much like how Rob Hall went through with the summit descent in search for oxygen. Doing both sports now I am rewarded in making both Iasas teams in golf and tennis which has extended my transcript even further, which further increases my chances in making a good college.

Movie: To Kill a Mocking Bird

To Kill a Mocking Bird is one of my favorites when it comes to spotting deeper and conceptual meaning. In my eyes, Tim Johnson the rabies infected dog is one of the most symbolic and deepest meaning related character in the book. Tim Johnson a poor dog is affected by rabies in the book and readers may wonder why this poor dog got affected and died after being so innocent through out the whole book. In this book, the rabies symbolizes the racism that goes through the town of Maycomb, and the fact that poor Tim Johnson is affected by the rabies so badly relates to how I feel about the inequalities and racial stereotypes that are still present in our world today. Much like the dog, I believe that racism is what ruins our already ruined world on top of everything bad that is happening. Atticus Finch, a marksman that is set in charge to execute this dog hesitates to kill the dog, and I think this is because if I were affected by racism much like how this dog was conceptually, the courts and judges would be hesitant to accuse me of anything because of how scared I am and how innocent I was.