Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Choice #10: Character Analysis: Choose a character and discuss his/hers significance and importance in the novel.

Movie: The Godfather

Vito Corleone, one of the few characters and only man known in our world today that can tolerate and deal with many different types of mindsets and mentality's in different characters within a visually broken yet still have a loving interior. Optimistic, scary, and smart in his own ways, Vito Corleone instructs and is a leader to his henchmen in the mafia scene with a strong sense of principle and classiness. The audience of Vito can imagine him as a character of class and the optimum example of what a successful man starting all the way from the bottom should be like. The characteristics of Vito are that of a believer in class, being humble, having a clear list of priorities and believing that family takes priority over everything and anything in the world. Vito is a character to look up to in this movie because Vito never shows signs of weakness and giving up to both his children and the enemies he possesses, this ties in with his optimistic trait. In the movie he can be seen as sort of inactive and un-dynamic character, although he has a strong sense of love for his children and keeps a deep dark secret for his son Michael Corleone who happens to be the main character. Through watching this movie one can obviously see that his love for his family members clearly takes priority and outweighs all of his traits. Vito is a gangster that always seems to be a part of the scene and seems to be telepathic in a way that he is always step ahead of everybody else in the movie, his compassion towards his family yet his title of a gangster is what makes Vito Corleone the special man that he is.

Book: Into Thin Air

Rob Hall, is one of the most iconic characters that I have read about so far. Rob Hall is one of many guides that help lead the clients up the prestigious Mount Everest, but in this book he happens to be Jon Kraukers designated guide. Rob Hall is characterised, in some ways, just like Vito Corleone, in the sense that what ever he believes is the right thing to do, he will stick with his own plan and will not let anyone else get in the way. Rob Halls true character comes out in chapter 17, despite the suicide wishes of a fellow client, Scott Fischer, he fights through descent after ascent, to try and rescue the dying and mentally sick Scott Fischer by getting tanks of new oxygen in a camp completely south of where they were. After a long haul back up the mountain Rob Hall brings back tanks of oxygen but to his horror finds that the seals were frozen shut, and after spending a night on the top of the mountain, he manages to get the oxygen tanks to work and promises other guides and rescuers that he is going to descend, but refuses to and instead stays with his other clients in an attempt to save their lives. Despite leaving Gau, a Taiwanese guide, and Fischer who were both deprived of energy and seemed like there was no possible way that they could continue on, Rob Hall remains the icon of the book because he decided to stay and fight for the lives of other people, despite the risks of losing his own life.