Monday, December 9, 2013

Fourth Independant Reading Project Post

Choice #5: Quote or Point Out. Quote a part of the book/film that you think is an example of good writing. What did you like about the quote? What makes you feel this is good writing? Why do you want to save it?

As said in the previous post I explained the setting and my reactions so far about the book. And from reading this book I find that the most important quote that has come up in the book is 
“Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when it's morning again, they'll wash away
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.” 
I find that this is an example of good writing because the author tries to switch the tone from a destructive, stressed, gory scene to that of a scene that would be corny and a quote that could be taken from a sort of chick flick movie or book. Hunger games revolves around survival in a dystopia world, with its factors controlled by game makers that try to guide the competitors towards one another to engage in a blood bath and to decide a winner through the survival of the fittest. This quote is important because it brings out the things that would come from a Utopia world (where everything is perfect), including love, freedom, and safety, where all three of those are juxtaposed with the factors of the dystopia world, like hatred, trapped, and fear, through this quote, it gives the protagonist a sense of hope and a sense of looking forward and reaching out for what no longer exists in that world.

Carl Denham: It wasn't the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast.

This quote is important in the movie because it re states the climax of the movie, and reveals the true deeper meaning of the book. King Kong isn't just a beast that has only one thought in his mind and that is to rampage through everything he see's and aims to cause a ruckus and wreak havoc, but the main thing that was on his mind was to keep Ann Darrow alive and in the mean time try to how his love and affection for this lady. Ann Darrow tries to keep King Kong alive by climbing up to the top of the eiffel tower to join King Kong and stand in the way and act as a shield to the bullets fired towards King Kong by the airplanes that are trying to take him down. In the end she gets to the top but it is too late as King Kong is too badly hurt and ends up falling to his death, this quote states that it wasn't the airplanes that killed him, but it was the beauty and the love for Ann Darrow that got him to be over protective of her and caused him to sacrifice himself for the livelihood of Ann Darrow and to keep her alive.